
Ignoring the .env file in Git

August 31, 2024

If you made a change in your .env file, and you see that Git is not ignoring the file despite having it included in your .gitignore file, there is a significant chance that the file was already added to your repository before you added it to .gitignore.

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How to upgrade Node.js on your Mac OS

May 6, 2024

You can use several methods to upgrade your Node.js version on your Mac. One of the most common and efficient ways to achieve this is by using Node Version Manager (nvm).

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The Spread Operator

June 7, 2021

Spread syntax allows an iterable such as an array, an object or a string to be expanded by using `...`.

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Object Destructuring

May 1, 2021

Destructuring is used whenever we need to basically get some data out of an object or out of an array. In other words, is a short, clean syntax for unpacking values from arrays and properties from objects into distinct variables.

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Array destructuring

December 29, 2020

Destructuring is used whenever we need to basically get some data out of an object or out of an array. In other words, it is a short, clean syntax for unpacking values from arrays and properties from objects and putting them into named variables.

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The Arguments Object

December 26, 2020

The arguments object is available in every function you write, except arrow functions. It contains all the arguments passed to it.

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